martes, 20 de abril de 2010

"Pulling Teeth" Green Day

I'm all busted up
broken bones and nasty cuts
accidents will happen
but this time i can't get up
she comes to check on me
making sure i'm on my knees
after all she's the one
who put me inthis state
Is she ultra violent?
is she disturbed?
i better tell her i love her
before she does it all over again
oh god, she's killing me!!!
For now i lie around
hell that's all i cen really do
she takes good care of me
just keep saying my love is true
Looking out my window for someone that's passing by
no one knows i'm locked in here
all i do is cry


-Who is speaking?
-A boy that is afraid of his girlfriend.

-What is the problem that singer explains about?
-He say to his girlfriend that tells her he loves her, he say this because if the boy don't say that love her friend, she (her girlfriend) maybe hate the boy and hits her boyfriend, but really the boy don't love the girl.

-Which ending do you think the story may have? Why?
-I thinck that the boy met with others girls and will have another girlfriend ans will be happy.

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010


-What's the tipical food of Denmark?
-Potatoes and different types of meat.

-What kind of music do you listen?
-Rock music and Metal.

-What think shock's the most in this school?
-The people was very nice.

-How long was the travel?
-I don't know.

-Do you know the Barça team? Who is the best player of his team?
-Yes I know. I think it is Messi.

-What is the most popular sport in Denmark?
-The football.

-What do you think about the people of this school?
-There are very nice.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009


Hello! My name is Fabian, I’m seventeen years old, I’m from Gerona, (Vidreres). I am a dark-haired boy, tall (I measure 1’78cm), brown eyes,
I don’t like the fish, vegetables, stew,...
My favourite food is pizza, pasta, I like fruit too but my favourite fruit is milkshake to strawberry, peach and banana with cinnamon and sugar.
I love play tennis, meet friends, go shopping, ride to bicycle, I like listening all kinds of music, for example pop-rock music, house music,...

I play tennis at a club to Lloret de Mar since 2005, but when I had six years I played football on Lloret too.
I don’t like study, but I have to do to approve.
Now I studying 1º of bachelor and is very dificult.
This is my presentation, see you!


Hello! My name is Fabian, I’m seventeen years old, I’m from Gerona, (Vidreres). I am a dark-haired boy, tall (I measure 1’78cm), brown eyes,
I don’t like the fish, vegetables, stew,...
My favourite food is pizza, pasta, I like fruit too but my favourite fruit is milkshake to strawberry, peach and banana with cinnamon and sugar.
I love play tennis, meet friends, go shopping, ride to bicycle, I like listening all kinds of music, for example pop-rock music, house music,...

I play tennis at a club to Lloret de Mar since 2005, but when I had six years I played football on Lloret too.
I don’t like study, but I have to do to approve.
Now I studying 1º of bachelor and is very dificult.
This is my presentation, see you!


This year my holidays were great. My family and I went to granada, to Pedro Martínez.
Pedro Martínez is a small town on the outside of Granada.
As the trip lasted 12 hours, we start the trip at five a.m. and arrive to the town to five p.m.
When we arrive to the town, we go to visite the family, after that went to visited the city of Granada again and go to shopps for buy clothes and souvenirs.
The second day we went to very big and beautifull monument, the Alhambra. I never stay in Alhambra and I think who is incredible. My mother and I stay in the line of cue eight hours because was a problem with the tickets.
The third day we went to Lanjarón.
Lanjarón isn’t very big, is a long street with shops and a lot of parks.
Finally this year the holidays were very fun.


My best friend is the best friend anyone can have. Victor is his name. He is tall, dark eyes and dark hair. Victor have six brothers and he is the third more big.

He live in Vidreres since 2007, but first live in Salt, Girona, Quart and finally in Vidreres. He doesn’t like change to town many times because doesn’t have a best friend.
I met him in the first course of the E.S.O and we spend many moments.
But it is not the same because he stop the study last year and not met so much.
But a friend always is a friend.